Tel. 0702 00 09 44/ 0705 418 178

Timber Pro Kenya Limited is a trusted name in the timber business - we're the preferred choice for everyone whether undertaking projects, general repairs and maintenance and or making furniture.  Carefully managed for over 100 years, Timber Pro is your trusted brand in the Timber industry. We are here to accommodate your specific timber  requirements tailored to fit your needs, provide a distinct look and texture that can enrich any project and to help you create and maintain a timeless, natural feel that is unmatched by other materials.

Using the right quality timber can make all the difference. We pride ourselves in providing our customers with quality material and equipment that is processed to the point of completion.

Our range of products is expansive to encompass all the various types of timber, boards, windows & doors,  floors, building material, decorative pieces,  that suit your projects.

You may order, via e-mail or telephone. All timber can be crafted into the required size and shape and delivered to your door.

Our product range includes the following:

Timber Products: building timber, prefabricated buildings, log cabins,  doors, door frames, house roof, moldings, assembly of prefabricated houses. For further information on selecting the correct specifications for the products you need, the availability of goods and services, or for advice on the kinds of tools and materials to use for your project, you are welcome to contact us. Visit us, send an e-mail, or call to consult our team of knowledgeable and experienced tradesmen.

We shall gladly assist you.



To sell the highest quality building materials for the lowest price, while providing the best service in the industry.

© 2021  Timber Pro Kenya Limited

Designed and published by Abbot (K) Ltd.  E-mail:


Welcome to Timber Pro Kenya Ltd.

Proudly in timber industry since 1912